Summer Santacon

In a city where people are used to seeing hundreds of Santas every weekend after Thanksgiving, it’s hard to surprise people. Of course, sometimes surprise is only one factor. Another factor is “what else can we do now that we all have Santa suits?” Hence Summer Santacon, a new Portland institution since 2010.

Summer Santacon 2013 was featured in the Willamette Week: and

Summer Santacon 2014 honored our fallen Santa, Kenny Spurlock

Summer Santacon 2015 was hot! But we survived.

Summer Santacon 2016 will be on Saturday, July 23. We’ll meet at Piccolo Park (between SE 27th and 28th, between Division and Clinton) to watch a parade at 11am, and officially start Santa-ing when the parade is done, estimated around noon. It will be a fairly compact route and wind up near the start around 6pm. Updates at the Facebook page. We were even on TV!